With Bookr.fm, streamline the booking of your festival or concert venue. Our tools enhance collaboration, simplify offer management, and optimize decision-making.

Collaborative Dashboard

Optimize communication and collaboration within your team with our intuitive and integrated interface:

  • Artist Profiles: Explore enriched artist profiles packed with valuable information, press reviews, and direct contacts. Our profiles consolidate data from Songkick, Soundcharts, Spotify, and more, for a comprehensive overview.

  • Facilitated Collaboration: Enhance team synergy with our advanced tagging and note-taking system. Efficiently organize information for better coordination and faster decision-making.

Offers & Timetable Module

Manage your offers, budget, timetable, and deadlines through a centralized tool that minimizes errors.

Benefit from automated reporting to ensure flawless tracking of your activities with your teams.

Scores Modules

Maximize the impact of your festival with booking that truly resonates with your audience. Benefit from access to consolidated and easily actionable information, enabling you to make quick and informed decisions.

In close collaboration with you, we develop a unique score for your festival, updated each week, to help you track and understand trends within your community.

Flexible Pricing

Collaborative Dashboard

Starting at only

29 €

per month/per venue or festival*.

Offers & Timetable Module

Tailored to your usage volume, starting at

49 €

per month/per venue or festival*.

Score Module

Custom pricing to meet your specific needs.

*Plus taxes/Annual commitment required.